Добродошли у агенцију Каса План у Београду, малу фирму овлашћеног рачуновође која помаже бројним предузећима у њиховим рачуноводственим и пореским потребама.
Наша мисија је да обезбедимо рачуноводствене и пореске услуге без стреса за предузећа и појединце. Ми смо модерна рачуноводствена фирма која комбинује најновији софтвер и неопходне апликације како би вам понудили одговарајући пакет услуга.
Са преко 30 година искуства, наш фокус је на дељењу нашег знања и пружању корисних услуга нашим клијентима помажући им да донесу критичне одлуке које им помажу у развоју пословања.
Welcome to Kasa Plan Accounting agency in Belgrade, a small-sized firm of Chartered Accountant helping numerous of Businesses with their accounting and taxation needs.
Our mission is to provide stress-free accounting & tax services to businesses & individuals. We are a modern accounting firm that blends the latest software and ‘must have’ apps to offer you the perfect package as you continue your successful journey, and we would love to be by your side every step of the way.
With over 30 years of experience, our focus is on sharing our knowledge bringing beneficial value-added services to our clients & helping them make critical decisions that help them grow their business.
Who we are
We are a Chartered Accountants in Belgrade offering a wide range of accounting services, including connecting external regulatory events to a business’ specific obligations, business and tax advice, and financial analysis whenever needed. Our clients appreciate our transparent pricing, friendly service, and cutting-edge accounting software and apps.
We are always available by phone (or video call) if you need us, and once a month, we will give you a courtesy call to make sure you are doing well.